Fun With the Tooth Fairy Part 2

Losing your first tooth is a big deal. Here are some tips to make the Tooth Fairy’s first visit extra special. To see some more tips check out our article Fun With the Tooth Fairy.
1.) Give your child an official certificate from the Tooth Fairy commemorating the loss of their first tooth. Here are some downloadable PDFs that you can print and personalize with your child’s name and the date. Tooth Fairy Certificate Olympic Dental and Denture
2.) Send a tiny letter from the Tooth Fairy. These letters can be customized to say whatever you would like. You can order the letters here.
3.) Have the Tooth Fairy leave a sand dollar or another thing from nature. Each time she come she can leave something different.
4.) Have your child drop their tooth into a glass of water. While they are asleep take the tooth out and put a couple of drops of food coloring into the glass. Tell your kids that the color changed based on the color of the Tooth Fairy’s dress that night. Each time she comes to visit the color can be different, you can even add glitter to it as well.
5.) Leave tiny Tooth Fairy footprints on the windowsill. If you have a doll like a Barbie, sprinkle glitter around its foot and make it look like the tooth fairy was walking out the window. If you don’t have a doll, sprinkling glitter around your pinky will also work.
6.) Next to the money that the Tooth Fairy Leaves you can also place a wand. You can buy tiny Tooth Fairy wands here. Or any other wand you find will work. You can tell your child that the Tooth Fairy left it behind and they must take special care of it. Maybe the next time she comes she can leave an extra dollar or two for taking such good care of her wand.
7.) Make a Tooth Fairy Pocket to hold your child’s tooth. Learn how to make one here. This can be a project that you and your child can do together!
8.) Give your child a Tooth Fairy Receipt. These receipts rank the quality of the tooth and how much was given for it. The better quality the tooth the more money. This will encourage your child to brush and floss so they can get a couple extra dollars. Click here for a printable receipt.
9.) Before your child goes to bed, go out and sprinkle a little bit of glitter on the lawn outside of their window. That way the Tooth Fairy knows where to go.
10.) Find things around your house that your child can decorate and turn it into a Tooth Fairy Box. It can be as simple as a mints tin that you cover in paper and your child colors or puts stickers on it. Once the box is made, they can put their tooth in it and in the morning the money the Tooth Fairy left will be inside.